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🌏"What is Computer?" Page (1).

  _____________________________________________      __1._________"Computer Knowledge"______  πŸ‘©‍πŸ’»What is Computer?πŸ‘©‍πŸ’» See guys today first of all we will know here what is a computer after all? What is called computer? And what is the importance of computer in present times is?  Q.1   What is computer? Ans.  Computer is a device in which data can be input, compiled and used quickly and efficiently,   as well as many external information can also be obtained in this way,    a computer has one or more input devices (input devices), compilation devices (storeton devices) and a technical unit (processing unit) for the use of all of them.   And in simple words,   a computer is a machine that is used for various types of logical calculations that accepts data, stores it,    processes it according to instructions and provides us with the output. And see guys at present, computer has become an important pa...