πŸ‘©‍πŸ’» Advantage of "Second-generation of computers." Page (18).


__18._________"Computer Knowledge"______

 πŸ‘©‍πŸ’»Advantage of "Second generation of computer."πŸ‘©‍πŸ’» 

When second-generation computers were created in the late 1950s and early 1960s, they had  a number of important benefits  over first-generation counterparts, including:

 Transistors:  Transistors took the place of vacuum tubes in second-generation computers. Performance and dependability were enhanced by smaller, more dependable, and cooler transistors.

 Size and Portability  These computers were more portable and compact than those from the first generation, which made installation and upkeep simpler. They were also the first reasonably portable computers, even though they were still huge by today's standards.

 Faster Processing:  The ability of transistors to switch electrical impulses more quickly led to increases in processing speed and effectiveness.

 Lower Power Consumption:  Transistors used a lot less power than vacuum tubes, which cut down on the amount of heat produced as well as electricity expenditures.

 More Memory Capacity:  Core memory, which replaced the previous drum memory used in first-generation computers, was more dependable and offered more storage space.

 Better Input/Output Capabilities:  By enhancing their input and output capabilities, these computers made it possible to use high-speed printers, tape drives, and magnetic disk storage.

 Higher-Level Languages:  With the introduction of second-generation computers, higher-level programming languages were developed, enhancing the usability and efficiency of programming. Examples include Fortran and COBOL.

 Commercial Use:  Due to their improved reliability and lower size, second-generation computers were more suited for corporate and scientific applications, which led to their widespread adoption across a range of industries.

A major milestone in computing technology was the changeover to  second-generation computers,  which paved the way for further developments in following generations.


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