πŸ‘©‍πŸ’» Advantage of "Third-generation of Computers." Page (19).


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 πŸ‘©‍πŸ’»Advantage of "Third-generation of Computers."πŸ‘©‍πŸ’» 

When opposed to earlier generations,  third-generation of computers,  which were created in the 1960s to 1970s, offered a number of noteworthy advantages:

1.  Integrated Circuits:  Third-generation computers made use of integrated circuits (ICs), which assembled several transistors and other parts onto a single chip. Computers improved in dependability, energy efficiency, and size as a result.


2.  *Higher Processing Speeds*:  Thanks to improvements in transistor technology and improved component arrangement, these computers were quicker and more potent than their forerunners.

3.  *Improved Memory*:  Third-generation computers used magnetic core memory, which was quicker and more storage-efficient than older memory types like vacuum tubes or magnetic drums.

4.  High-Level programming languages:  COBOL and FORTRAN, two examples of high-level programming languages, were created during this time period.

5.  Operating Systems:  This generation saw the introduction of the idea of operating systems, which sped up user-computer interaction. This made it possible to multitask and enhanced resource administration.

6.  *Greater Reliability*:  Third-generation computers had fewer system failures as a consequence of improvements in hardware and the application of error-checking and correction methods.

7.  *Increased Use in Business*:  Third-generation computers are now often utilized in business applications, which has increased automation and efficiency across a number of industries. High-level programming languages and more streamlined user interfaces are to blame for this.

8.  Applications in Science and Research:  These computers were also widely employed in scientific research, making it possible to do intricate calculations and simulations that were previously unfeasible.

9.  *Reduced Costs*:  Third-generation computers became more affordable over time as technology advanced, opening them up to a wider variety of businesses and people.

In general,  third-generation Computers  represented a substantial improvement in computing technology, setting the groundwork for future 


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